Sunday, January 24, 2010

Rossland Winter Carnival

The winter carnival at Rossland is one of the big winter events. A weekend of pond hockey, bobsled races, wine festival, Freestyle skiing competition and, of course, the ice bar.

The photos show the entrance to the ice bar which is surprisingly built entirely of ice.

The Rock Cut Pub - a necessary stop

Beware the thirsty beaver !!!!!!

Rainy Revelslush & Halycon Hot Springs

We returned from Revelstoke after days of rain and slushy snow via Halycon Hot Springs. The lesson we learned was that you make sure to have cold weather before going skiing in Revelstoke. It rained and then rained and then rained some more. Whilst Red was getting some great powder snow, we encountered only slushy mush.

The real standout of the trip was our overnight stay at Halycon Hot Springs.

A neat chalet out in the woods - are you sure the bears are asleep?

That's not sand on the beach

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Michael - the movie star

I'm now officially available for autographs as a movie star skier - clearly I have a lot more work to do

Friday, January 1, 2010

More photo's from Xmas Day

Emma made this Ozzie pav for us and it turned out very yummy

A smiling young Fiona before she turned 50

It's a very busy day at Red for Xmas

Kate and Michael on the chair - I'm the light one on the right

Christmas Day at Paradise Lodge with Santa

Brunch with Santa on Xmas Day up at the Paradise Lodge - yes that is Emma in the photo - just to prove that she is actually here with us